When was Aurinia Pharmaceuticals founded?

The company was incorporated in 1993 and its common shares have been listed in Canada since 1996. In September of 2013, the company acquired closely-held Aurinia Pharmaceuticals in an all stock transaction and subsequently adopted Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc. as its new corporate name.

What is the vision for Aurinia?

Aurinia exists to make a difference. Our mission is to transform people’s lives by delivering therapeutics that change the course of autoimmune disease.

Where is Aurinia's stock listed?

The company's common shares are currently listed on the NASDAQ (NASDAQ:AUPH).

Who are Aurinia's independent auditors?

PriceWaterhouseCoopers, LLP
Chartered Accountants

Who is Aurinia's transfer agent and how does a registered shareholder contact the agent regarding account information?

The company's transfer agent is Computershare Trust Company of Canada.

For help with:

- Change of address
- Transfer of shares
- Loss of share certificates
- Consolidation of multiple mailings to one shareholder
- Estate settlements

Please call Computershare's National Customer Contact Centre:
1-800-5646253 (toll free North America)
+1-514-982-7555 (call collect - International)


Computershare Trust Company of Canada
Shareholder Services Dept.
100 University Avenue
9th Floor
Toronto, ON
M5J 2Y1